What is a Whistleblowing Report or Irregularity Policy in English?
Whistleblowing encourages and allows employees to raise serious concerns within the organization rather than glossing over an issue or “blowing the whistle” externally. Employees are often the first to realize that there is something seriously wrong within the organization. However, they may not voice their concerns because they feel that speaking out would be disloyal to their colleagues or the organization.
Our Organizational Commitment
The organization is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and responsibility. In line with that commitment, we expect employees and others with whom we deal who have serious concerns about any aspect of the organization’s work to come forward and express those concerns.
Who does the policy apply to?
The policy applies to all employees (including those designated as casual, temporary, agency, authorized volunteer or work experience) and those contractors who work for the organization on the premises, such as agency staff, builders, drivers. It also covers suppliers and those who provide services under a contract with the organization.
Policy Objectives
Provide avenues for you to confidentially raise concerns and receive feedback on any action taken.
Ensure that you receive a response to your concerns and are aware of how to follow up if you are not satisfied.
Reaffirm that you will be protected from possible retaliation or victimization if you have a reasonable belief that you have made a disclosure in good faith.
Types of Concerns Covered
- All cases of initiation, conduct that is a crime or violation of law.
- Disclosure related to miscarriages of justice.
- Health and safety risks, including risks to the public and other employees.
- Damage to the environment.
- Unauthorized use of public funds.
- Possible fraud and corruption.
- Sexual or physical abuse of clients.
Other unethical behavior. NB. Other procedures are available to employees, such as the complaints procedure which concerns complaints about their own employment. This policy also does not replace other complaint procedures that are for public use.
The organization recognizes that the decision to report a concern can be difficult to make. If what you are saying is true, you should have nothing to fear as you will be doing your duty to your employer and those to whom you provide a service. The organization will not tolerate any harassment or victimization and will take appropriate steps to protect you when you raise a concern in good faith.
All concerns will be treated confidentially and every effort will be made not to reveal your identity if you wish. However, at the right time, you may need to appear as a witness. This policy, however, encourages you to put your name to your concern whenever possible. Note that:
- You must disclose the information in good faith.
- You must believe that it is substantially true.
- You should not act maliciously or make false accusations.
- You should not seek any personal benefit.
- How to Raise Your Concern
As a first step, you should normally raise concerns verbally or in writing with your immediate supervisor/manager. This may depend, however, on the severity and sensitivity of the issue involved and who is suspected of being involved in the misconduct. For example, if you believe management is involved, you should approach a higher level of management.
Financial allegations require that the Chief Financial Officer be notified of all suspected financial or accounting irregularities